Lift & Tilt Tables

Tilt Tables

Designed for Simple, Safe, One-Person Operation


  • Allows one person to handle large, awkward loads. As the weight and maneuvering is done by the machine, back and hand injuries are eliminated.
  • Increases the safety and efficiency of panel handling. The tilting of the load is controlled and accurate.
  • Speeds feeding and unloading operations. The attachment and release is made within seconds.
  • Eliminates product handling damage. Only soft, non-marking rubber cups touch the load surface.
  • Ends the need to block loads for slings or clamps. The density of storage is increased while retrieval time is dramatically improved.
  • Labor cost and product damage savings combine for an average return on investment of only 3 to 9 months. The cost justification is straightforward and the Lifter’s effectiveness will be immediately appreciated.
  • Not only lifts, but rotates and upends to

Lift & Tilt Tables


  • 250 to 4,000 lb. capacities, up to 46 in. lift
  • Table tilts up to 45 degrees for load handling ease Lifts load from ground level to desired height and then tilts the load for easy handling.
  • Increases worker productivity and morale
    The Lift and tilt tables put work within easy reach of the worker for increased productivity, safety and morale.
  • Reduces fatigue and increases worker safety
    Virtually eliminates bending, reaching, stretching and lifting, reducing worker fatigue and the risk of back injuries.
  • Remote controls available
    Elector-hydraulic operation is commonly used with either push-button or foot-pedal remote control.

Compatible Equipment:

Vacuum Tube Lifting Systems

Ergonomic Vacuum Lift Assist’s advanced design breaks the barriers of traditional high vacuum systems.

  • Handles a greater variety of material
  • Reduces the risk of damaging your material
  • 40% more efficient than traditional high vacuum lift systems
  • Eliminates the need for a smooth, non-porous surface
  • Transport your most delicate materials safely
  • Handles the same load with less horsepower and more savings
Lift Assist Devices | Load Handling Equipment |


Manipulators have virtually unlimited applications with ends specifically designed to your needs.

Use for off center loads, reaching in or under and to keep work pieces square and stable.

  • Manipulator Arms
  • End of Hook Handling Devices
  • Roll Handlers
  • Custom Engineered End Effectors
  • Anti-torque Arms
  • Tool Balancing Arms
  • Floor and Overhead Mounts
  • Portable Bases

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